Advice we

wish we’d had

There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.
— Madeleine Allbright

More than anything else, being a woman in creative leadership is a responsibility to all the individuals coming up behind you. My fantastic team at Rokkan and I worked on a project where every woman in the agency gave her younger self advice, and we took over the agency’s social media feed for a month to share it far and wide.

My full advice:

“First off, definitely don’t wear that corduroy skirt from Banana Republic for three years straight. Then, think about this:

As women, we’re always concerned about keeping people happy, and making sure we’re well-liked. Fuck that. Not everyone is going to like you, and that’s fine. People might not get your jokes or like your style. Maybe it will bother them when you speak up for yourself, and you WILL speak up for yourself. Maybe they’re threatened, maybe they’re having a bad day. None of this is your problem. Stay true, stay hungry, and stay heard. Do your absolute best for the people you believe in, and let the rest roll off your back. Your authenticity is what makes you amazing, not your ability to blend in.”

Art direction: Dídima Arrieta-Martinez


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